Woofy Wix


As passionate pet owners we believe that one of life’s greatest celebrations is the relationship we have with our pets. At Woofy Wix we strongly believe that our pets enhance our lives and make us better people.


Driven by innovation. We are excited to introduce, WOOFY WIX a pet odor eliminating candle. Like all of our products we strive to deliver high quality, innovative products that truly make a difference in our lives. WOOFY WIX is an all-natural soy wax candle scented with essential oils that will eliminate a variety of odors that our furry friends love to share with us!


Because we subscribe to a work hard / play hard approach to life, getting wet, dirty and all round messy is part of enjoying the way life should be lived. Sharing those moments with our pets, makes for lasting memories. Oh we get it, when the fun and games are over, wet, muddy rolled in “God knows what” smells need to be dealt with. Oh, we still love our furry friends but really did they need to bring that smell home?

WOOFY WIX is the answer! Doesn’t matter what type of furry, feathered friends you have WOOFY WIX will help. Our blend of essential oils will make any room smell better, eliminate that ‘special’ odor that our furry friends love to share, hey it’s what they do! As we like to say, “If you love candles and you love dogs, you’re gonna love WOOFY WIX”.

 WOOFY Charities

We strongly believe in giving back and what better way to give back by donating a portion of WOOFY WIX sales to both local and national foundations that help protect, place and encourage the responsible care of our pets. Please let us know how we can help your organization, because we truly believe that our pets enhance the human experience, and thus it is our responsibility to protect, and promote the care and well-being of our furry friends.